From small beginnings; a story about trust and growth



On Premises & Hybrid Cloud



Business Continuity

Two men in a kitchen working to prepare a meal in front of them with a large amount of ingredients. They are currently discussing what is displayed on an ipad in one of the man's hands.

The Client

Flavour Makers is a Melbournian food development and manufacturing company behind several national and global brands. A valued long-time partner, OpusV has helped it grow its tech operations as it expanded to multiple sites across several countries.

The Problem

As a growing business, Flavour Makers needed a secure and centralised network that spread across locations, an infrastructure resilient enough to support the entire business operation, flexible enough to scale at the rate the business was, and accessible from all locations. Having already invested heavily into its own order management system, Flavour Makers was looking to expand its capabilities and integrate its whole business system.

The Solution

OpusV not only designed a solution that met these requirements, but as Flavour Makers has grown over the years, OpusV has taken the reigns in handling the nuts and bolts of their tech capabilities, from their voice services, high availability system design, and ERP integrations for logistics and accounting.

By maintaining key partnerships, our team secured access to multiple national fibre and WAN wholesale networks as a cost-effective basis for Flavour Makers to support traffic quality and meet performance benchmarks.

Despite having offices as far from Melbourne as Connecticut and Liverpool, our experts ensure the connection between each site is secured and stable at any given hour of the day.  Combining the efficiency of a NextDC M1 data centre with the hyper scale cloud structures of Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Office 365, our experts built a new infrastructure capable of migrating data flexibly and rapidly from on-premise hardware to even public clouds. Because of the physical distance between Flavour Makers’ main offices, we migrated their mixed user systems into a digital state, allowing for better flexibility. This also improved its disaster recovery strategy and optimised its budget across the entire process.

Working with Flavour Makers over its due diligence and tender process, OpusV assisted the food company in choosing the right ERP provider for whole of business integration. Our specialisation in managing infrastructure and application development intelligence came to the fore, so we could provide ongoing support throughout the years for continuing business growth at reduced risk.

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Two cybersecurity experts discussing their findings of a recent event on a tabletA set of solar panels in a field of grass
Man wearing a hard hat holding a clipboard looking at the viewer. There is a wind turbine in the background